Eat foods rich in vitamin B , iodine, these foods include fresh fruit , vegetables and fish of all kinds.
If your hair is oily type of fat Fabtaadi for taking into account the intake of foods rich in vitamin A and B .
Health care have a direct impact on the health of hair If your health is weak , it will affect the health of your hair and Aonth and vitality .
Scalp massage help much either oily or dry hair .
the shape of your face and hairstyle appropriate to him
The best way to massage the hair as follows : Put your hands on the front of your hair Michabactan of Evin forward with pressure on this region . Rub the scalp from front to back , and sometimes back to front , and sometimes the shape of your face and hairstyle appropriate to him other aspects , and
repeat this process several times am and evening .
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