السبت، 28 ديسمبر 2013

The fastest way to whiten your knees

The fastest way to whiten your knees

Do you know that behind many ways to bleach and available for many of us in the house ? , Already there are many ways to whiten your knees and today we review with you the best ways and means of whitening knees natural ingredient which will cost you a lot ..

Here are the best ways to whiten knees :
• Lemon and glycerin to whiten knees :
Ingredients: 1 tablespoon vitamin (e) + tablespoon lemon juice tablespoon glycerin +4 tablespoons milk

Method : Mix the lemon juice with milk and bridges well , then add the vitamin to Amsjém mix well until you have a paste composed nationalist cum on the knees with a massage for 15 minutes , you'll notice the whitening effect on your own behind.

• Lemon way to whiten your knees :
The method of lemon to whiten your knees is a very easy way , you should use a hot towel and then Adekaha lemon juice large towel on my knees for 15 precise day , you will notice the difference and you will find yourself knees beautiful and attractive .

• coconut oil to whiten your knees :
Ingredients: Coconut oil spoon + half teaspoon lemon

Method : Mix oil, coconut with lemon and Daém the towel hot , then put then mix on your knees for 15 minutes , then wash your knees well, so that you get a quick result in bleaching behind Domi on this method of whitening knees every day until you get the result you Trdia .

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