Tired appearance of your hair short and would you like if it is growing rapidly , but what hand trick you waitin until time passes and is growing again , but it may take your hair Sabra much and time consuming until it becomes a full-length your dream , because hair grows at a rate of 1 cm per month on average. But what if we introduced you to a magical day ways that can help you get the long hair in a shorter time than you expect ?
Scalp massage : Have you heard this way before? Feeds the hair from the nutrients in the blood , therefore it is very important to stimulate the blood supply to the hair roots , and experts advise from Todd lengthening her hair massage the scalp regularly in one of the following methods: ÇĎÎáí fingers inside the hair and then Itzhbhe gently , the aim is to push but not to the degree of pain , massage scalp completely. Dip your fingers in one of these oils ( orange oil - grapefruit - lemon ) and multiply hair tipped fingers gently and quickly.
Parties pounding Hair : Beware of pounding the parties that the parties to the hair where hair Almottagsfah hinder the process of lengthening hair because hair breaks cafeteria , it is recommended to cut the parties once every six weeks to ensure the healthy growth of hair healthy .
Eggs and nuts : the egg is rich in protein and biotin is very important to nourish the hair , and the cashews and almonds, walnuts and a great way to lengthen hair for these nuts contain zinc and omega- 3 acids that nourish and stimulate hair growth.
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