الأحد، 12 يناير 2014

Some women believe that the cut

The washing hair frequently leads to dryness , and the elimination of secretions that moisten the scalp hair so it is advisable not to wash it on a daily basis and preferably washed twice a week only .

 The use of chemical hair products demobilization Kdjil and Curly Hair Styling and can lead to bombard the hair and cause great damage to the hair follicles and also retard their growth.
 Repeat hairstyle ponytails permanently is harmful and lead to hair damaged and reverse , so it is best that the diversity of women in the layoffs and can adopt this hairstyle from time to time , but not permanently .
 Some women believe that the cut and shorten the hair permanently is the best solution to get healthy hair , but others prefer long hair and the solution is that the valuation cut limbs only regularly and periodically in order to receive hair gorgeous and healthy , hatching parties hair every 3 months makes you get rid of damaged hair Brittle and final.

 The mixing the dye in the house and put it on the hair without hiring may lead to damage to the hair and destroyed , so it is better to spend more money at the beauty salon to get a satisfactory result without damaging hair .
 Finally, make sure to comb your hair gently and correctly to the top of the Parties to gradually because it ensures that the blood supply to the roots and helps to remove the crust violently discharged will inevitably lead to brittleness and uncut .

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