الأربعاء، 8 يناير 2014

repeated daily for 10 days

Each Mantmanah is to be our nails stronger and more resistant to external factors influencing them and even internal such as lack of lime , but do we really have to make our nails stronger ? Some mixtures made of natural materials helps to lengthen our nails and protect them from breakage .

1 - Mix the olive oil and rose water :

Ingredients: 3 tablespoons olive oil + cup rosewater

METHODS: Grease your fingers with nails in olive oil and leave for 15 minutes , and then wipe it with rose water nationalist .

2 - Mix sunflower oil :

Ingredients: egg yolk tablespoon sunflower oil

METHODS: confuse the egg yolks with sunflower oil , and paint their nails , and left to dry , then wash your hands well with warm water . This method helps to maintain moisture and nourish the roots of our nails to Ttoelha .

3 - Mix apple cider vinegar :

Ingredients: Three tablespoons olive oil +3 tablespoons apple cider vinegar + egg yolk

Method : Mix the ingredients together and put in refrigerator for an hour , and used a small piece of cotton to nail fat cream and simmer for 10 minutes, then wash with lukewarm water , the process is repeated daily for 10 days .

4 - Mix the garlic and vinegar :

Ingredients: garlic clove + half teaspoon vinegar + half teaspoon of lemon

METHODS: massaged nails Pfs garlic , then dipped in vinegar and lemon and then mix them after clean nails well with lukewarm water , the process is repeated for 10 days or more .

5 - Mix lemon :

Ingredients: 2 lemon

METHODS: national rinsing your nails with lemon juice morning and evening for ten days and this way help to keep the break-up of a fingernail .

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