الأربعاء، 8 يناير 2014

First, what is the mixed skin

First, what is the mixed skin '?
These tend toward the dry skin on the cheeks with large pores somewhat , while the fatty area on the nose, forehead and chin.
And skinned women who find mixed and confused in how to deal with it , we offer you 4 calipers to take care of your skin a natural hybrid ! Where Stelmusan change ' surprise ' in your skin and you'll get a great result if she attended the work of those masks .
Mask almond oil and eggs :
Mix the egg yolk with a tablespoon of almond oil and their positions on your face and neck for 15 minutes , then Aguslehma with lukewarm water .
Almond magical mask for skin more fascinating
Mask parsley :
It is a set of fresh parsley leaves and a tablespoon of honey . Where grated chopped parsley leaves ' good ' to get the juice, then mix well with honey ' . Apply the mixture on your face for 20 minutes and then rinse with cold water .
Orange Mask :

Mix two tablespoons of milk, orange juice with half their positions on your face and neck for 15 minutes and then Aguslehma with lukewarm water .
Mask potatoes :
Mash boiled potato and mix it Bmlaktan tablespoons of yogurt , a tablespoon of starch, 3 tbsp corn flour , a quarter teaspoon of olive oil and 4 tablespoons of rice water .
Put the catcher on your face and leave for 10 minutes , then rinse with cold water .
Because of the influence of age and the sun and external factors may fish shops you notice the emergence of a more than usual it is known that the pores of the skin reduces the vast beauty of the skin , especially facial skin so Aliki some quick tips to Tjali smaller fish shops .
1 - lye detergent :

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