السبت، 4 يناير 2014

drop some meals helps weight loss

Now in brief take one tablespoon of honey a day working on :
- Energy booster
- Reduce fatigue
- Activated absorption
- The balance of sugar in the blood
- Building the immune system
- Antioxidant and anti-bacterial

Unfortunately there are a lot of ideas and beliefs that are not based on any scientific basis , but it is spreading like wildfire among women , and especially girls, in the prime of life , and Almhosat dream fitness and weight loss , Fikpelln to adopt and follow in the hope of access to the strength of the ideal , and the loss of their weight excess . But they unfortunately do not teach that those things do not get out of being just not true legends never have , and they do not Tvidhen as Atejeln , but detrimental to their health and balance their bodies .
Atalaaa with us on some of these myths , though you Taatbaan none of them , you are advised to take off her immediately :

1 - drop some meals helps weight loss
Asagatk may think that some of the meals, especially breakfast, helps you get rid of excess weight for you that you can have fewer calories a day . This myth is not unfounded , and the truth is that when you Tsagtin a meal , get your metabolism ( fat burning ) slow and lazy , and instead to burn your body excess fat to turn it into energy you use it in your daily activities , will consume from your muscles , and Stsubhan inclined to eat a lot of food at the next meal because you become very hungry , and you need to make up for what you missed after the overthrow of the previous meal . As a result, general weakness , with an increase in weight .

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