الاثنين، 6 يناير 2014

Tdrby on eating slowly over the long term

Atakzy fiber friend
There are many studies have shown that fiber a role in weight loss, they also have a role in maintaining it. " This is because the fibers pass device digestive system without being digested , and then make your body a lot of effort, hard to get rid of them , which helps to stimulate metabolism and the feeling of satiety . make sure to eat at least 25 grams of fiber a day , beans , whole grains , fruits and vegetables. , but to keep your digestive system while jogging , Avoid eating two hours before the start of training .
Tdrby on eating slowly over the long term
In a study published in the American Dietetic Association in 2011 , from New Zealandresearchers studied the relationship between eating speed indicators and indicators of body mass at Our Lady of 2500 . In return for each step of the acceleration of the pace of eating ( speed indicator balance moved by one of the five very slow to very fast ) have increased body mass indices rose by 2.8 per cent. It is through eating slow Tmanhan your mind a chance to realize that your body is no longer a need to eat. Work through the presence of breaks in the diet by avoiding distraction : No computer or TV or newspapers , " then you'll be aware of every bite you eat " says Aberl .

Be careful

Before a snack , make sure you feel hungry, "says Aberl , explaining that we often eat while the desire is a real sleep or play or go out for a walk at leisure. " Might have been what you need is to leave your desk for 15 minutes and calm your nerves .

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