السبت، 4 يناير 2014

At hair and density factor

At hair and density factor in articular attraction femininity , so many women seeking to get the long hair and thick . The strong and beautiful hair is the dream of every man, woman , and obsessed with baldness and hair loss are now occupies a large market share and mind to think, to help strengthen the hair and keep it have given you a set blends of natural oils :
The first mixture ( mixture of castor oil and is one of the most beneficial oils to the problem of hair loss)
Take equal amounts of :
• Castor Oil
• Oil Sidr
• Almond oil
• Oil Watercress

Heat the oils are all a little bit and put them on your hair and leave for 3 hours and then rinse .
Repeat this process every week at the beginning and then monthly Observe the difference.
Mix II: ( Mixture Dabur Amla )
• castor oil
• Oil Arugula
• Olive oil
• apple cider vinegar
Put a tablespoon of one of each article and Amsjeha blender , and then Zeiha on your hair and Artkiha for 4 hours and then wash your hair thoroughly .
Use this recipe twice a week , and after a while you will notice that your hair is becoming crystal- thick and shiny .
Mix III: ( garlic mixture ) of the most successful blends of resistance to hair loss
TAKE Thomh complete and Dekayaa and add to olive oil and Daém Bakarorh original sealed for a period of ten days in the refrigerator .
And then Astkhaddmiha every day in the first week , and then used to lighten Theliih days in the second week and the third , then Astameliha once a month .
Put them for two hours and then wash your hair thoroughly .
Fourth mixture : ( oil ring )
Put a half cup circuit , crushed in a bowl and Add him a little coconut oil is very useful for dry hair It strengthens the hair and prevents hair loss .
Put the mixture on your hair and Artkiha for two hours, then wash well , repeat the process every week and Observe the result.
Tip: You can rub your scalp with oil, cumin pure it a great benefit to activate blood circulation and thus maintain Kitv hair healthy and shiny

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