الخميس، 9 يناير 2014

For the skin

Amolqtin eyes .
For the skin , advises German artist Michaela Aoanado cosmetic creams using day- containing hyaluronic acid or summaries of some special herbs ; , where it stimulates the flow of blood, which gives the skin look more vibrant .
Koncelr yellow
He also stressed that the Arnhem Alkoncelr is an effective weapon to hide skin imperfections , noting that for the eye area should generally use Koncelr open degree or two degrees from the rest of the make-up .

To hide dark circles , advises cosmetic artist Aoanado using Koncelr cream ; pointing out that the color yellow is the color of the anti- violet color , which stands out by small blood vessels leather bottom eyes.
To avoid injury Baahob and dark circles of the foundation , stressed the importance of beauty experts that women take enough sleep , at least eight hours a day. It should also prevail bedroom quiet atmosphere devoid of stimuli , in order to enjoy a deep sleep and Carefree allows for the skin regeneration activity and restores vitality and freshness after a hard day's work .

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