الاثنين، 6 يناير 2014

full simply prefers to wear roll veil

if your face slim or full simply prefers to wear roll veil screwed up with a scarf with another color covers neck and chin beginning to leave the phenomenon , as you can cover the beginning of the forehead to reduce the display a bit .
 Face rectangle :
Is the face when the length of the face more than a display , and has a broad front and beard long , so it has to be to try to give a presentation largest by a veil , but we have to learn the features of this face that you can use more than one roll veil at one time , the cost of open the veil , which consists of an internal full veil veil then wrap it another way to disguise this very perfect for this face , as you can use the drop-down or roll veil lifted by the degree of fullness of the face.
Make sure to always use more than one scarf and connecting them to give your face a more size and cover most of the veil forehead and chin most of this is better for the rectangular shape of the face where the ease of this method of unit length of the face.

Shoe pouch, two comrades permanent for girls in the school year , and this should improve the girl to choose her shoes and her purse ; to provide comfort to her, which increases the collection and concentration , and the old saying : The body comfort starts with the feet , and the health of the back , therefore , Dr. Mohammed Abdel Razek , a physician and an orthopedic surgeon , these tips to students with daughters beginning of the school year , namely:
1 - Make sure that the shoe size is suitable for your foot perfectly , and must be purchased in the afternoon and not in the morning where the foot shrunken am .
2 - Choose the shoe leather soft and durable at the same time , with cotton socks ; even absorb sweat .
3 - Put carbonate food inside the shoe for the night, and Anfdah am; do not even emits foul odors , and multiply by the fungi that cause diseases of the foot .
4 - Avoid shoes with high heels ; because it will cause pain and curvature in your spine .
As for the conditions of the bag , they are as follows :
1 - Choose a bag that can be carried on the back and hands together ; until Tbdla way to carry, do not go on one way .

2 - should be the weight of the bag is equivalent to 10 % of body weight .
3 - in the case of increasing weight ; Use a small plastic bag carrying my hand out some pamphlets to ease the load on the back.
4 - Marcy exercises to soften the morning before going out the back of the school.
5 - Do not get pregnant from the bag on the ground without bending , but knees bent and Altkotaiha .
6 - Aatmda school schedule , and make sure to organize the books in the bag ; until no more weight on your back .

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