الجمعة، 3 يناير 2014

achieve the glasses impregnated red

Like the recipes and mixes to whiten their own skin ? Is Bkhaltat would you like to join us again for Tbwhit skin ? Do not hesitate and Join us by now .

Considered cheeks full of little colored pink signs of a woman's beauty , so seek all women to get Cheeks rosy full by following a number of ways , whether natural or chemical , but natural ways Madam be without side effects , you Mixtures for Cheeks rosy :

First: Every morning my teaspoon of butter blended teaspoon of coarse sugar on your skin before washing with soap and water , and make this part of your daily routine morning , it would make the facial skin full and smooth.

Second: the national crush half an apple and Apply the mixture on your face with strikes a nice cheeks , and will give you the desired result , this recipe will help you get fat cheeks within a week .

Third, eat olive oil within your diet This will help to make your skin healthy and brighter .

Fourth: You can make a massage in a circular motion on the cheeks using sesame oil as a way to help achieve the glasses impregnated red .

Fifth: the application of a national recipe carrots and apples for fattening cheeks are as follows: Mix half an apple with half a grain Islands and ¼ cup lemon juice blender, electric , and eat this mixture daily on an empty stomach .

Sixth: the application of national mixture of milk and honey and manner of lies that Tmzja Cuba of milk with 3 tablespoons of honey and two pieces of cheese Kerry and two tablespoons of oatmeal and a glass of orange juice by natural blender , and eat this mixture once a day .

Seventh: Use a mask and papaya paste by mixing a teaspoon of honey with a teaspoon of papaya paste , so that the mixture is placed on the face for 10 minutes and then wash the face with warm water and this will make your skin look smooth , soft and rosy .

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