الجمعة، 3 يناير 2014

dark places in the body

Mix equal amount of bitter almond oil with glycerin and grease your body do, after imbibing skin oils national process sandpaper to your body by the fiber and you'll get white skin .

- To nourish the skin and purification :

Use oil of bitter almonds work after a steam bath for the skin , and by passing the cotton swabs moistened with almond oil on your skin .

- To lighten the dark places in the body :

National oil mixing with bitter almond cream ( Sudo ) Grease and dark areas mixture daily after bathing .

- For the treatment of freckles, spots :

Grease your skin with oil of bitter almonds a day before going to sleep , and when a national morning wash them with warm water and then with cold water to flatten the skin and close the pores .

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