الجمعة، 3 يناير 2014

Dry skin

Dry skin :
People with dry skin use masks for many reasons different from the owners of oily skin , then you are not looking for a reduced fat but increase the moisture of your skin .

The use of moisturizing mask recovery restores your skin and increases the brightness and glow , and you leave the mask on your face for more than 10 minutes and then rubbed it gently before removing it and notice that your skin will become softer and beauty .

Pale skin :
If you Treguine batch of glow and luster , you acquisition peeling facial mask that leaves your skin supple and shiny , and many of the masks used peeling fruit extracts from natural peeling and smell fragrant .

And science is not all masks and peels with natural smell and fragrant as it is able to re youth to your skin , but you Stsaadan often remarkable results when using this mask .

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