الجمعة، 3 يناير 2014

• injury to children :

• Breast Cancer:
There is evidence declares that the use of hair dye has to do with breast cancer , where the material Albarraffinelenedeamain considered one of the allergens or (PPED) in nearly every cosmetic hair dye is causing breast cancer .

• bladder cancer :
Hair dye may cause bladder cancer and other diseases , whether men or women, as the exhibition both significantly to this disease if they use hair dyes frequently and lasting .

• injury to children :
Can cause hair dyes in a significant risk to the health of children before and after pregnancy , even if mothers used for short periods , higher the degree of color to Aldkon times hair dye increased by the greater danger .

• affected eye and scalp :
Hair dye causing repeated injury to the eye irritation and redness , blistering may occur as itching and sensitivity to the scalp .

• the risk of even worse :
Goes most men and women to dye hair salons in order to hide the gray hair that appears at an early age , but this leads to problems in the long run instead of improving the system of the body by correcting hormonal disorders and food , and help to slow down this case

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