الجمعة، 3 يناير 2014

Stay away from fats and many articles

• Today, we review with you a number of tips that will teach you How to keep your hair in the beauty of Ramadan, Gerbhe us now :
- Drink water : Make sure to eat lots of water dramatically , during the fasting period does not reach any quantities of water to your hair and your body , so it should be after breakfast and even suhoor that Taatnola enough water to compensate for the fasting period .

- Fat: Stay away from fats and many articles make sure to eat foods low in fat and containing copious amounts of Alviamnaat .

- Desserts : Cut down on sweets and sugars , what more sweets on the table in the month of Ramadan , Valxthar which affects the health of your hair and your body .

- Shampoo and conditioner : Choose a shampoo and conditioner suitable for your hair and dry your hair thoroughly after bathing, so you get to the poetry soft and healthy throughout the month of Ramadan .

Finally, do not forget that your hair is part of the beauty and should provide adequate care for your hair during the month of Ramadan, as we explained to you in the previous tips .

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