الجمعة، 3 يناير 2014

Steps to reproduce the sparkle and luster to the hair

Steps to reproduce the sparkle and luster to the hair with a mixture of citrus soda

1 . A boy in a bottle of soda water spray ( spray ) clean , and add to grapefruit juice , oranges, and lemons.

2 . Add the mixture to the previous point of sage oil , natural ( no shops in perfumery ) , Lurgi and then blend well .

3 . Belli your hair thoroughly with water , then sprinkle it a combination of citrus and soda water , and then comb your hair thoroughly to ensure that all parts of the mixture to the hair and scalp .

4 . Leave the mixture on your hair for about five minutes , then wash your hair with shampoo and conditioner .

5 . Use a blend of citrus and soda once every two weeks , but if you suffer from dry hair and pounding deep Fastamelih only once every three weeks .

And do not forget to provide necessary nutrition for the health and beauty of your hair through the work of pools of natural oils to nourish and lengthening hair.

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