الجمعة، 3 يناير 2014

Take your bathroom a national daily

- Take your bathroom a national daily .

- Before drying your body , put a small amount of sodium bicarbonate on a white towel wet .

- Rub the towel in this body , especially the dark places , such as the elbow , knee, armpit and between the thighs and sensitive places .

- Rinse your body with warm water and then with cold water too.

- Wipe dry with a towel dry your body well then Adehnyh almond oil massage with circular movements and Wear cotton clothes completely.

Dear continue with weekly follow this method would unite the color of your body and become a conqueror .

The owners of dry skin are fortunate in that they are less prone to acne , but they are more susceptible to other problems such as the emergence of signs of aging and roughness of the skin , especially in the atmosphere dry , whether cold or hot, and appear dry skin pale and less glasses of other types of skin !

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