الجمعة، 3 يناير 2014

What is the reason for the appearance of white hair

C . It has been proved scientifically that all hair dyes have a negative impact on hair and health ; because the alkaline materials made ​​from them tints cause weakening of the hair, so it's best not to overindulge from the use of dye to change the color of the hair with follow the instructions on the package dye to get to avoid common mistakes when coloring Hair .

Q . Are there any types of pigments are less harmful than others?
C . It turned out through scientific experiments that natural dyes , such as henna is considered better than others and are less harmful dyes that contain chemicals which are detrimental to the health of hair.

Q . What is the reason for the appearance of white hair ( graying ) with age ?

C . Depends color hair dye is present within the cells of the hair is called " melanin " , and is the production of melanin in the special cells called " Milansaats " , comes the emergence of white hair or gray hair as a result of reduced activity Almilanosaats with age or with the loss of cells Almilanosaats natural result of shock or pressure myself or nervous and often starts from the invasion of white hair on the sides of the head and then shows the front of the hair and finally into the back of the head .

Q . Did you cause bundles of rubber or tongs any negative effects on the health of the hair ?
C . Hair pulling strongly and tightening may come to the health of damaged hair , may cause in turn the occurrence of hair and hair keratin material damage in the long term so it is advisable to leave the hair Msdla from time to time on its nature .

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