السبت، 4 يناير 2014

Acne common skin problem occurs

Acne common skin problem occurs mostly during the hormonal changes associated with adolescence , but may occur at any age . , You can use some of the recipes easy to overcome this problem and reduce the fatty secretions that cause acne , easy and efficient way to your fingertips and at the lowest prices. "It aspirin mask ," where the combination of aspirin helps consisting of salicylic acid , and beta hydroxy acid (BHA) to clean the pores of acne-causing bacteria .
You only need to bring 2-3 tablets of aspirin and a little water . NATIONAL then these steps :
The first step : Put 3 kernels of aspirin began in hand.

Leave the mask on your face for five minutes and then rub it with a national and rinse your face with lukewarm water and then wipe dry your skin with a clean towel .
* You can mix a little honey with a combination of aspirin for further cleansing of the skin and glasses .
Precautions: Do not use this mask if you are pregnant , or have problems with blood-thinning .
If you have not done the mask before it is best to operate a patch test first on the sensitivity of the neck 

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