الجمعة، 3 يناير 2014

Do not put oil bath for hair in the same

- Use toothed comb and wide to lay off the hair until Ttakda of the absence of any remnants of the henna on the hair.

- Do not put oil bath for hair in the same day on which it was put henna on the hair , but Leave the oil bath for the next day .

- Keen to develop magnitudes as it is written on the packaging henna , The amount of hot water should be an appropriate amount to make the henna mixture together rather than a liquid .

- Wear gloves on your hands , and so when you place the henna on the hair so as not to change the color of the hand.

- If the hair is dry, it is best to reduce the amount of vinegar that Tadhafaha to henna , and can be one -sufficiency spoon of vinegar and add 3 tablespoons of corn oil .

- To install the color of henna on the hair for a longer period , boil orange and lemon peel with hot water used in the kneading .

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