الجمعة، 3 يناير 2014

Tips When you put henna on the hair at home

Tips When you put henna on the hair at home :

- Hair must be clean before putting it to henna Ttakchi the impact of dust and dirt and oils on the hair and scalp will benefit from the benefits of henna and result in the acquisition of the desired hair color .

- Do not leave the henna on the hair more than 4 to 6 hours so as not to dry out the henna on the hair too much , the hair is exposed to embrittlement caused by drought henna on the hair.

- Sections of your hair into two or four equal sections before you put henna on the hair so as to ensure the distribution of henna in an easy and safe .

- Make sure you put henna on the roots of the scalp and hair down to the parties , as advised to put two tablespoons of henna in the center of the head and are then massage the scalp with your fingers .

- I passed your fingers between the tufts of hair to Ttakda access to all henna hair roots.

- For in the hair on the head in the form of energy and massage the hair with your hand until well saturated hair with henna .

- Cover the hair cover and leave for an hour even interact with henna hair, then Punic Strip off from the hair to dry henna on the hair by air.

- Do not forget to put a piece of cotton around the Punic at the forehead and behind the ears and on the back of the neck area so as not to leak henna clothing .

- Wash your hair under running water with a good scalp massage to get rid of the effects of henna .

- Do not use shampoo while washing hair henna and contented himself with only washed Balbsam .

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