الجمعة، 3 يناير 2014

especially in sensitive areas and face,

  1. Try these mixtures to intensify the natural eyelashes and do not forget to tell us about the results you get in the thick eyelashes witch .

Suffer some women from darkening their skin , especially in sensitive areas and face, has gone beauty experts to many solutions that help alleviate this problem , and one of the solutions they mix soap and chamomile which helps to lighten and peeling and soften the skin , where we will remember you Here's how to prepare mix soap and chamomile for skin more freshness .

But before we begin the explanation for Khalttna should note that blends the best of nature that Atjtma with each other so as not to adversely affect and limit ourselves to just one from time to time , nature beautiful solution why not take advantage of them ? !

Components of the mixture soap and chamomile :

- A quarter cup of humans soap .

- 1 teaspoon of olive oil .

- 1 tablespoon of rose water .

- 2 tbsp of chamomile drenched .

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