الجمعة، 3 يناير 2014

- Castor oil for lengthening eyelashes

Try these masks that run on natural skin lightening significantly within two weeks .. And tell us the results ..

Do you want to get long eyelashes ? Have you noticed that the lashes had been taken into precipitation is greater than ever ? Do you want to increase his intensity lashes ? Learn about the 3 essential oils to prolong and intensify eyelashes :

- Castor oil for lengthening eyelashes :
Castor oil for a charming effect in lengthening and intensifying eyelashes , and so that you get quick results in lengthening eyelashes my little castor oil on the eyelashes twice a day with the use of a brush to comb eyelashes eyelashes and get great results .

- Almond oil for lengthening eyelashes :
Lengthening eyelashes quickly using sweet almond oil adds shine and luster and works on lengthening eyelashes and intensify , So try to put it on your eyelashes every day.

- Olive oil to prolong and intensify eyelashes :
National boiling onion in the amount of a cup of olive oil that is used to mix two or three times a day , but carefully to stay away from the area of the eyes.

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