الجمعة، 3 يناير 2014

for normal skin without sensitive

The second mix ..
Ingredients: ( 3 tablespoons flour pure - the amount of milk - a teaspoon of lemon juice ) .
Method : Mix ingredients together until the mixture strength of the dough , the dough is then placed on the skin for 20 minutes and still washed with warm water , taking into account that this mask is used only for normal skin without sensitive.

The third mix ..
- Bring the amount of almonds and soak in water so that we can remove the crust with him .
- Ashaka almond kernels and Atahnyha .
- Take 3 tablespoons of this powder and Mix with egg white and one teaspoon of lemon , mix the ingredients thoroughly in harmony until the dough ( for Atstkhaddma blender ) .
- Apply the mixture on the face and neck from 20-25 minutes .
- Drain Catcher from your face washed with water warm .
- Wipe dry my face and it almond oil .
- Repeat this process daily and do not Tstjla results where you 'll notice the difference after 10 days .

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