الجمعة، 3 يناير 2014

how to prepare mixture fattening face

Method of application mix teeth whitening coal :
Crush coal well until you have a powder black color , then add the lemon as needed only , and national clean your teeth a paste and Wash effects well NATIONAL then brush your teeth with a mixture of coal by toothbrush for 5 minutes of Scrubs continuous , then clean the teeth from the effects of coal with water.

The material inside carbon intensive coal combine with sediment , which consists of over-age help him get rid of them , and lemon juice works on polishing Coal Age and help to work quickly .. You can mix the use of tooth whitening coal per day ..

Was previous experience with you mix teeth whitening coal ? ! .. Is Stjerben mix teeth whitening coal ? ! .Many of the girls are interested in inductively mixture for fattening face for face full of catchy , and review them with you today in an easy and simple to apply at home , here's the way the components and mix fattening face :

• Ingredients:
Teaspoon yeast + a little water + capsule of vitamin A.

• how to prepare mixture fattening face :
Mix one teaspoon of yeast with a little water , then add them vitamin capsule , Put the mixture on your skin for 10 minutes , with a move away from the area of the eyes.

Continuously mix with fattening face yourself every week , you will notice the difference in your skin , but if you d So try to eat more fruits and vegetables a day are contributing to the fattening also face naturally .

I will give you a holder of potatoes to narrow pores and soften the skin of a months masks in the world and is known for its ability to narrow the large pores and soften the skin, which are as follows:

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