الجمعة، 3 يناير 2014

Mask lettuce dry skin care

Whisk together the ingredients for the mixture becomes soft and then put it on your skin for 15 minutes and then Wash your face with warm water , your application holder for eggs and milk will give you the freshness and moisturizing while clinging to your skin dry .

- Mask lettuce dry skin care :

Ingredients: Cook 5 leaves of lettuce a little boiling water for 5 minutes + two tablespoons of almond flour + cup of liquid milk full cream .

Whisk ingredients together electric blender, you have to become a homogeneous mixture and put it on your skin for 10 minutes and then Wash your face with lukewarm water , this will work catcher to renew your skin cells .

- Honey and Oatmeal Mask for dry skin care :

Ingredients: half a banana + small two tablespoons of honey tablespoon of starch + tablespoon of oats .

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