الجمعة، 3 يناير 2014

- Natural honey spoon

Aldlkh the modus operandi of the Sudanese body whitening
Cut fruit and put in a blender and placed her fourth cup of water and mix well , take the amount of the mixture and add the flour and the rest of the amount of water , and knead well until all dough is made up of liquid .
Put the dough on the fire and the volatility to bond a little bit and then away from the fire and add the rest of the fruit mixture and kneaded by hand until the dough is soft and smooth to the touch and can be formed by hand.
Covers the body to be rubbed Bajeena and leave for 10 minutes , then placed on the hand drops of olive oil and rub the area covered by the Sudanese Aldlkh paste until the dough dripping slowly into the body to clean them completely .
Body wash from the remnants of Aldlkh , and prefers not to use soap or the use of natural soap with olive oil , then painted body moisturizer cream .

Important tips :
You can add other fruits , such as kiwi , Aldlkh to the Sudanese , it can also add a ring or crushed lentils and rice for whitening skin peeling and dead cells .
Sudanese Aldlkh used daily for a week or more - especially for brides - to get a satisfactory result .
Reservation remaining quantity of dough in the refrigerator for Aldlkh while use.

Did you try natural fruit blends in cleaning your skin dry ? ! Do you know that there are masks and blends fruit help to clean dry skin naturally , today we offer you the best 3 blends of fruit for dry skin care , let them know and Ejrebém now .

• banana mixture to clean dry skin :
- Banana
- Spoon Oats
- Natural honey spoon

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