السبت، 4 يناير 2014

Try the women a lot of recipe

Try the women a lot of recipes , cosmetics , and sometimes even cosmetic surgery to try to hide the wrinkled skin that reveals the age real to them, and perhaps make a woman look older , and often all of these attempts to no avail , so because prevention is better than cure warns expert cosmetic " hope Idris " several of the actions and habits wrong harm skin and make wrinkles appear early on the skin .
Beautician says : " Strive to be Dehketak thin nor Tkremcy forehead and nose when you laugh , it is necessary to drink large quantities of water during the day , as well as Taatnoly it is important that a sufficient amount of fruits and vegetables in your diet daily ."
It further recommends that unfolded always sit back and neck the sake of the neck muscles , because the back is sitting straight cause slouch Faisab wrinkled neck muscles and makes the neck look is grainy appearance .

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