الجمعة، 3 يناير 2014

Tablespoon corn starch

- We need to potato grated

- A tablespoon of olive oil

We potatoes on an individual face to dry well, and then we put the oil over the potatoes and Ndlk skin in a circular motion for 10 minutes and then Nctaf face with warm water and then cold

Catcher are doing this once a week, one of the wonderful masks for the skin and you'll notice the difference with a time fast, Astkhaddmah and tell us the result

If you are looking for mixtures to liquidate your skin and make it soft as silk , without pores or inclusions nor the effects of grain simply to apply the mixture to the face of the ring are inspired by Moroccan mixtures known Bmfolha wonderful , and the details are as follows:

Components of the mixture to the face of the ring :

- Tablespoon ground circuit .

- Teaspoon crushed rice .

- Malaga big milk powder .

- Tablespoon corn starch .

- Teaspoon ground black cumin .

- Tablespoon rose water .

- Warm water " as needed ."

Method of application mix the ring for the face :

- Mix the dry ingredients together in a clean container and add them rose water and a small amount of warm water until you have a homogeneous mixture and dense textures.

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