الجمعة، 3 يناير 2014

Wash the skin of your face and neck

- Wash your face with warm water and mild soap and then dried well .

- Put the mixture on the skin of your face and leave for 20 minutes .

- Soak your face with warm water and mix by rubbing Drain circular movements and then rinse your skin well with cold water and Ajaffaha " prevents the use of soap after the mixture directly ."

Repeat apply the mixture to the face of the ring twice a week for an entire month , and you'll get great results .

If you would like to get the skin crisp and clear with a light color and uniform Try to apply the mixture of bananas and potatoes for bleaching that gives you Ntaúja satisfactory during the short period of time not to exceed two weeks , as it gives your skin sparkle and freshness just as the dream of , and the details are as follows ..

Components of the mixture of bananas and potatoes for bleaching :

- Small-sized potato , peeled and boiled and mashed .

- Century small -sized mashed banana .

- Two tablespoons rose water .

- Mlatakin tablespoons lemon juice naturally.

- Two tablespoons full-fat milk means .

Method of application mix bananas and potatoes for bleaching :

- Mix all ingredients together in a deep bowl and Ohersihm again and keep mixing until well combined and the mixture becomes thick creamy strength .

- Wash the skin of your face and neck with soap and water and Ajaffaha well .

- Put a layer of potato and banana mixture of bleach on your face and neck and avoid the area around the eyes , as you can put two slices of cucumber cool them " on your eyes ."

- Wait for 20 minutes or until the mask dries well .

- Drain potatoes and banana mixture of bleach rub with your fingers or wash them with warm water .

- I passed a piece of ice on your face and neck and dry place well .

Repeat the application mix bananas and potatoes for whitening day before going to sleep and you'll notice your skin improvement after the end of the first week .

Is Stjerben mix bananas and potatoes for whitening ? ! .. Join us your opinion

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