الجمعة، 3 يناير 2014

When you say the word vinegar

When you say the word vinegar , go Bal many women to the kitchen and Asthaddamth in cooking and other but it has a silver lining away from it for hair beauty and elegance , not worth worrying about smell , it does not last and fade quickly , so Madam Use vinegar to the beauty of your hair and Shine .

Here Madam three months and vinegar recipes will be the senior partner to ensure the beauty and vitality of hair :

First, restore hair shine

Works vinegar to restore the luster of hair by removing accumulations of hair care products ; Valkhal leaves hair smooth and silky also removes tangles , and depending on your hair type , you may want to use it once a week , or three times a week maximum , if the hair is oily may vinegar causes drier simple so preferably washing hair Balbsam humidifier first before washed with vinegar .

To prepare the vinegar for hair lotion , use half a cup of vinegar with 2 cups of warm water , and add a drop of essential oil of your pet and then rinse your hair mixture .

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